Our technology

A revolution in drug discovery & development

Drug development is a complex, time-consuming and resource intensive process that often fails to cross the finish line.

Computer assisted drug design (CADD) has long failed to live up to it's promise to streamline that process and deliver truly insightful information to help design better drugs. HTuO's physics-based technology addresses the root of the issue.

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Our Mission

Minimizing the error of simulations

For protein scale simulations, it is imperative that the error introduced by approximations in the underlying force field be as small as possible, which is the goal of HTuO’s development process: to get ever closer to accurate simulations with minimal error.

About Us
HtuO Bioscience molecule

The HTuO advantage

Introducing high accuracy into modeling gives us and our partners the ability to address the challenges of drug design head-on. A more detailed understanding of how molecules interact allows for data-driven predictions of the best possible drug design - ultimately leading to fewer drugs failing and more efficacious drugs.

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Target Market

Learn more about our potential in the drug discovery & our long term vision.

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We are happy to discuss any form of a collaboration to let you access our platform.

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We are always on the lookout for talent. We’re open to fixed location and remote work. See Careers

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Check our Careers page for open positions, and see if we have the right opportunity for you.

Open Positions

Recent News & Events

July 26, 2024

Our scientists, Dr. Yi-Hsuan Lin and Dr. Ahmed Ayoub, will be attending the ACS Fall 2024 conference from August 18 to 22 in Denver, Colorado. They will be presenting two posters: one titled ‘AtomForge: Advances in the development of a novel polarizable and reactive force field (#4103171)’ and the other titled ‘AtomForge: a novel, reactive and polarizable force field for multi-scale simulations of small molecules and macromolecules in drug discovery (#4103302).

May 1, 2024

If you are interested in HTuO and what we are up to, catch our CEO, Anthony, on May 23 at 9:30am, during the LSBC webinar BC Delegation Spotlight: BIO San Diego.

Apr 16, 2024

Our CEO, Dr. Anthony Fejes, and Director of Business Development, Mr. Jacek Mis, will be in San Diego, June 3-6 at the 2024 BIO International Convention. Connect with us through the partnering portal or email us directly to learn about our technology and its drug discovery potential.